45 thoughts on “Silent Sunday – 3rd March

    • Yes, sadly, a massacre. My boy’s meadow seems to be a fox’s dining room. Always piles of feathers, the odd rabbit leg and a skull or two. There is an earth on the edge of the field, but it doesn’t look active. Thanks for popping by, much appreciated! (Got it right this week, tee hee hee.)

    • Hello, lovely to see you again, many thanks! No, I’m afraid, they are the feathers of a pheasant that, I presume, met its end via the jaws of a fox! Not so cute and cuddly as many people think. They are killers and, I’m afraid, kill for the fun of it, not just food. 🙁

    • Hello thanks for the visit too. Most definitely a fox. Pheasants are too big for the barn owl that regularly flies over the field. As I said in reply to another comment I think that Max’s field is a fox’s dining room – there are always piles of feathers or rabbit legs scattered around. Harsh realities of the countryside, I’m afraid.

  1. oh dear, but thats natures way, I wonder if there is fox pups about yet? Not sure what time of year they have babies must be coming upto that time tho with spring about, I am pleased to have found your blog am off to have a nosey around x

    • Hello Sarah, many thanks for the visit. Do hope you find something here that you like. Yes, the cubs will be around and about come May. Their mother (vixen) will be taking them around her patch. It was in May a few years ago that a cub fox caught Buffy, my Buff Orpinton hen. I managed to get her away from him and she survived. It wouldn’t have been thus had it been his father.

  2. Ah, Mr Fox had a good dinner then? We have the urban kind, they tend to rummage in the bins if they can, but have got our neighbours chickens a few times!

    • Ah yes, even though many have become urban dwellers and scroungers, they still retain their killer instincts. Pet bunnies, guinea pigs, chickens and kittens are all very vulnerable and can become their prey, if people aren’t vigilent.

    • Yep, ‘fraid so. Too many of them around here. Not so cute and cuddly as the anti-hunting lobby portayed! Many thanks for the visit, it’s most appreciated.

    • Hi Fiona, many thanks for the comment. Yes, lucky he! The shoot won’t miss a few. As long as he stays away from my chickens.

    • Thank you Heidi. I just hope that maybe, just maybe, she managed to fly off. I think it was a hen pheasant.

    • Absolutely, they are bu***rs if they get into a hen coop. They kill everything just for the fun of it! Grrrr. Thanks for dropping by!

    • Many thanks for popping by. The hunts were doing a good job. Hounds kill a fox outright, not like a bullet. I wonder just how many that are shot, and wounded, are left to suffer before they die. Just because they are vicious predators, doesn’t mean to say they should suffer the same fate!

    • You never know, she might have escaped. Those feathers were the sum total. None a little way away… So, there’s always the possibility…. Thanks for popping by.

      1. Shall we pretend that’s what happened? I am sure it would make us all feel better. She might have got away…. Thanks for your comment, much appreciated.
  3. Someone had a tasty dinner then! 🙂
    Is it strange they don’t sadden me as they do some of the other commenters? It’s the circle of life n all that, innit? Shows everything’s in working order.

    • Yes, it is sad, but it’s life in the countryside. I think a lot of people who live in towns are so remote from all of that, they find it difficult to relate to it. Though, I must admit I don’t like the pheasant shoot. It is beyond my comprehension how anybody would want to shoot birds out of the sky.

  4. Weeeelllllll……perhaps her Fairy Godpheasant turned up and gave her something more glam to wear instead of her feathers?! Keep out for a silk clad, glittery bird – and solitary glass slipper of course!

    • Well, thanks for thinking laterally and for cheering us all up with the spectacle of a solitary, glittery, glammed up hen pheasant hopping around the countryside! What a lovely vision! Thanks so much for your comment, it is much appreciated.

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