365 #13 and Photo of the Week

Little did I think that three weeks or so ago, when we had that lovely mild spell, that we would dive head first back into a freezing winter. But we did. It seemed so unfair to be tempted with the joys of spring to come, to have 48 hours of torrential rain, followed by a big freeze and a few days of snow. Max’s paddock was like a frozen paddy field!

Thank goodness that awful, freezing wind has dried the ground out. At least we have to be thankful for that. But it’s still freezing at night and frosty in the morning, with no sign of a change on the horizon.

A frosty morning

A frosty morning

TheBoyandMe's 365 Linky

365 is kindly hosted by The Boy and Me

Team Lloyd

Photo of the week kindly hosted by Team Lloyd 

A little handful of feathers – 365 #12 – Photo of the week

I quickly scooped up this little bird that one of my cats, Minnie I suspect, brought into the house. It was flapping around like a fledgling and was rather tiny for a full grown bird. Surely it’s far too early for fledglings?  Unless they are blackbirds, I’ve known them to nest in early February.

I managed to get just the one shot of it in my hand before it leaped off onto the floor. Managed to catch it again and I took it outside and put it on the bird table with some seeds from where it leaped off again (nothing wrong with its legs I thought) and flapped off into a tangle of shrubs. Fortunately the cats were in the house.

It was unmarked from its encounter with Minnie and there were just a couple of tiny feathers on the dining room floor, but if it can’t fly then its chances I fear, are zero. It was quite a feisty little thing, it pecked my finger quite hard!

The thing is… what was it? The closest I could guess is a female chaffinch… but I’m not sure. What do you think?

What is this little bird?

What is this little bird?

TheBoyandMe's 365 Linky

365 is kindly hosted by The Boy and Me

Team Lloyd

Photo of the week kindly hosted by Team Lloyd 

Photo of the Week – 15th March

Photo of the Week

I think that this sky sums up my mood at the moment. Am so very fed up with the weather. To have floods after two, glorious, warmer dry weeks. Then to have the snow directly after all that rain, which froze the ground solid, was the last straw. Living in the country with animals, the weather dictates what you can do each day. Roll on the Spring!

Team Lloyd

The Photo Gallery: Week 133

This week’s theme for the Photo Gallery, kindly hosted by Tara Cain over at her blog Sticky Fingers, is the letter C.  Well now, this could be a veritable Pandora’s box… Chocolate, of course being the first thing that comes into my head, children which, I’m sure will be very popular, cooking, cakes, cookies… the world is our oyster.

So, what have I chosen? Well, I’m a bit predictable I suppose and I’m going for chickens. Until you keep them you cannot appreciate what interesting, busy little creatures they are. Every single one of them with their own little foibles, habits and quirks. All so different.

But in one thing they are all of the same mind – FOOD. With Polly, the Light Sussex (white one to the uninitiated), the alpha hen since Hetty died and queen greedy of the flock. It’s so funny to watch her when you put out three containers of corn in the afternoon. She runs around like a demented whatever, pushing in, eating some from this container, then rushing over to another eating some pushing fellow hens out of the way and then rushing off to another one and so on.

Chickens on a mission to find food!

Chickens on a mission to find food!

When I’m at home, and in the summer when it’s lighter later, they are let out of their run. Off they roar, making a bee line for…. the bird feeders, knowing there are always easy pickings under the containers. The wheat that the finches and tits have discarded is what they’re after! It’s so funny watching them loitering around waiting for the grains to fall to the ground, at which time they all plunge in head first to get to them first.

If you value your life, you don’t go and sit in the garden with a cuppa  and a packet of Garibaldi biscuits. If you do, you get mobbed. I’ve had my biscuit snatched out of my fingers on it’s way to my mouth. They have no manners when it comes to food !