365 #14 Photo of the week

Today, 6th April really felt like the first day of Spring. Out of the wind it was quite warm. Such a change, from the previously freezing days we have been enduring. Had I not had an appointment with a chippy and a good friend that was dropping in for a coffee, I might have, finally, saddled up Max and gone out for our first hack since last October!

So I took him up to his field instead and came back to take out all the wet shavings from his stable, the usual Saturday job.  I never have my mobile switched on in the cottage as there is no signal, so while outside I switched it on and saw that my friend that was due to come around, was in bed with the flu! My chippy dropped by to say that he couldn’t due the scheduled job until Monday. Oh botherations, I thought,  I could have ridden afterall. Ho hum.

I set to digging up a plant that must have been secretly growing in one of the flower beds for the last few years. At first, I thought that it was spindle, but soon realised I was mistaken. God knows what it was, it had no thorns so wasn’t hawthorn or blackthorn. Whatever it was, it had already thrown up three new plants from its roots. I can tell you, it was a swine to dig out, its roots went very deep, but I finally succeeded in getting it out and felt really quite triumphant. Not bad for a pensioner, I thought! The deeper I dug, the more layers of clothes I took off, it really was rather hot work! But very satisfying. Continued digging, attacking the nettles with fervour.

As ever, when I am digging in the garden, the hens aren’t far away, a few inches in fact! Of course, they are after the worms and grubs that I turn over with the fork. I feel quite sad as they gobble up the worms! The hens are enjoying their last few days of freedom in the garden, as my next job is to get the sheep netting (wire) up on the post and rail fencing so that they will be restricted to the paddock. I will then be able to get on with my garden restoration without them destroying all my good work! Hens are lovely to have, but they are garden destroyers!

Dotty and Winnie slaking their thirst!

Dotty and Winnie slaking their thirst!

TheBoyandMe's 365 Linky

365 is kindly hosted by The Boy and Me

Team Lloyd

Photo of the week kindly hosted by Team Lloyd 

29 thoughts on “365 #14 Photo of the week

    • Hi Rachel, many thanks for your comment. Yes, I wish I knew what that plant was, but it was a brute! I now have a bare bit of garden and trellis where all the roses have died. Must check out my gardening books to see what I can plant..

    • Hi Eileen, thanks for the visit. I’ve four hens, Dottie, Winnie, Polly and Buffy. All different breeds and only one laying 🙁 Think that is as good as it is going to get. The other three are over their egg laying days unfortunately.

  1. Beautiful! Look at those chooks! I had a pheasant who loved to visit me in the morning before school. He would see me open the window of my classroom and put the seed and water out, and come running!

    • Thanks Sara-Jayne for your visit. Yes, I used to have a cock pheasant who came for tea every afternoon. But one day he didn’t come. Never saw him again. We are in the middle of a shoot, so it’s easy to guess what happened. 🙁

    • Yes, it is Jenny, but they have to go up on tippy toe to get to it! lol Yes, we’ve had three glorious days on the trot, but the nights have still been very frosty. Roll on Spring proper! Thanks for your visit.

  2. The hens are gorgeous, I love the colours captured in the sunlight, your photos are really lovely

  3. Very cool photo! My wee man tried to catch one on a farm the other day like it was a pigeon but he was in for a rude awakening when it chased him back 🙂

  4. Oh what a fantastic photo! So well captured with them both heads down and drinking water!

    And wasn’t it just a lovely day…finally able to say that the sun had some warmth in her! Welcome Spring we have been waiting for you 🙂

    Thank you for linking up with Photo of The Week! X

    • Many thanks Louise for your comment. Yes, wasn’t it glorious, Fri, Sat and Sunday. Then Monday we had a cold wind again. So cruel teasing us like that. Naughty mother nature! Lol.

    • Hi there, thanks for your comment, much appreciated. I left a comment on your magic moments linky page asking for the html code (is that what it’s called) as I searched high and low and couldn’t find it! Though other peeps managed to! 🙁

    • We really did have a rather mild weekend. Very sunny, lovely. But Monday it turned cold again. A bit warmer this p.m. (Tuesday) keeping fingers crossed that winter is, finally over! Thanks for popping by.

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